

Being Hawaiian and Filipina is a huge part of what makes me, me. I try to incorporate my culture in all aspects of my life; From crafting and interior decorating, to fashion, family and education... I love to represent my pride and pass on the knowledge of my heritage. There are a couple parts of my culture and roots that I would love to get back to, like Hawaiian Language & Tagalog, and Polynesian Dancing.

Although I'm a Pacific Islander, I was never given the chance to truly grow up in Hawaii or the Philippines. The limited amount of time I spent in Hawaii as a child, is forever etched into my mind though. I can still remember specific details of those days long ago. I know I'll always have that connection to the Hawaiian Islands through my blood, as well as those precious memories.

I was born and raised in the Pacific NW where I met the love of my life. It's here that we decided to start our family. We were blessed with a beautiful baby girl named Kiani... who was born on the 4th of July. As you can imagine, she is quite the firecracker ;)  It's not so bad here. Besides the weather, it's a really great place to call home! There is so much natural beauty and endless things to do.

Starting Our 14 Years -- January 2013
As for the man... he's my soulmate, my best friend, my rock. He's an amazing Hubby and a wonderful Daddy. Without Kiani and him, I would be totally lost in this world. Being together for close to 15 years, I am full of advice when it comes to relationships and love. Our relationship is actually one of my best outlets for creative inspiration. All I have to do is look back at over a decade worth of memories....

Since this really is an eclectic personal life blog, I'll share my interests with you. For these very things are what is going to fill my posts. Here is a condensed version:
  • My Passions: SMASH* Books. Daybooks. Project Life. Filofax. Crafting. Ohana. The Color Pink. Hello Kitty (A Love Since Childhood). Hair. Makeup. Beauty. Social Media. Being a Mommy. Love. Quotes. Photography & Cameras. Video Games. Nature. Finding Beauty in Everything. Living Green. Arts & Crafts. DIYing. Everything Hawaii(an). Traveling & Road Trips. Movies. Music. TV. Interior Decorating. Technology. Reading. Books. Fashion. Freebies. Snail Mail. Happy Mail. Pen Pals. Shopping. Documenting Life. Journaling. Writing. Zentangles.

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