
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Green Crafts

Over the weekend, I decided to do some crafty supply shopping while out with my family. I stopped by one of my favorite places to stock up, my local Tuesday Morning store. I always find different kinds of things while I'm there. I didn't even see these (sitting on the endcap of the scrapbook aisle) coming into the store, I walked right passed it. But thankfully I spotted the display while leaving!

Eco-Friendly Acrylic Paint, Recycled Rubber Art Stamps, Assortment of Eco-Friendly Dye & Pigment Ink
by EcoGreen Crafts

I'm so incredibly happy to find these amazing supplies... I just had to share it with you! It really is the best timing, because I wanted to pick up some new paints to make Alcohol Ink.

I think it's fabulous that something I love, like Art & Crafting, can live hand-in-hand with Eco-Friendly and Green Living. This brand really is a perfect fit for me! I will be sure to keep you posted of any future projects using these supplies. I'm anxious to see how well they work. Now that I mention it, be sure to check out my next post! I use a few of these acrylic paint tubes to make some Homemade Alcohol Ink Sprays. (Find my Alcohol Ink DIY here.) 

  • Recycled Rubber Art Stamps by EcoGreen Crafts: $3.99/each
  • Eco-Friendly Acrylic Paint by EcoGreen Crafts: $.99/each
  • Eco-Friendly Dye & Pigment Ink by EcoGreen Crafts: $.99

Are you a fan of "Green" Craft Supplies? Find anything crafty-cool at your local Tuesday Morning store? Feel free to drop me a line. Questions, comments, and feedback is always welcome.

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