
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Welcome to My Blog!

This is my first ever blog and I am sitting here wondering what in the world am I getting myself into?! Blogging is definitely something that I've wanted to get into for a long time. But I am very much learning the ropes, so please bear with me ;) From the actual designing of my blog (it totally reminds me of when I used to have a myspace;), to figuring out what I want to share with you. It'll be exciting tasks that I'm actually looking forward to. It's going to be a fun process, and I'm sure when I get the hang of this, it's all going to be worth it.

I hope the many people I met in life, who told me that I should start a blog, find me here and like what I've come up with. I'm really excited to add pieces of my life to my own little plot of space right here in blogger world. And in the process, I hope to meet many wonderful people who also share my passions.

Through this blog I'm hoping to:

  • Showcase My Own Crafty Creations, DIY Projects, Pinspiration Pieces and Any Other Fun Things I'm Working On
  • Inspire Creativity and Share Thoughts and Ideas
  • Spread Knowledge and Awareness about My Culture and Heritage Through Personal Life Experiences
  • Offer Tips and Advice I've Learned about Homemaking, Organization, Parenting, Relationships, Family, Beauty, Fashion, Arts & Crafts, and Life...
  • Share Reviews and Information About Fun Things I've Purchased or Discovered.
  • Pretty Much Updates about All of Life's Journeys ^_^. 
  • Meet Other People Who Share The Same Interests
You will more than likely read posts going on in all parts of my busy, everyday life. From my experiences of parenting a toddler, to my loving relationship of 14 years and everything in between... I hope you leave my blog with new found knowledge, inspiration, or even just a smile.

Thank you for stopping by!

Much Aloha.


P.S. If there is anyone else out there who's also a newbie in regards to blogging, or you're an experienced blogger, and have any useful information or friendly advice, please feel free to drop me a line :)


  1. Crystal your blog is so beautiful!! I love how it is set up. New follower here! :) I'm glad you decided to get a blog going - I just started mine in mid January and so far I love it. I've already started to meet some great blogging friends and can't wait to see what other happiness it will bring. Maybe we can do a little blog hop one day of all of us smash*aholics girls (or something along those lines). I'm still learning!

    1. Thank you so much Emily for stopping by and following me :D I was so happy when I saw you started a blog! It's beautiful as well <3 Since first seeing you on pinterest and then later in group, I've loved everything about your profiles and pics! So glad to have a smash*ing and blogging sister to share ideas and easily find inspiration. I can go right to you now :) I'm so glad you love blogging, I think I'm going to too! A blog hop sounds like fun! Give me some time though, since my blog is barely a week old, I'm very much still learning the ropes too ;)

  2. Oh and I forgot to say how excited I am for you to get a Cameo!! You will love it. I can't wait to see what you create :)

    1. Me too! I can't wait for it to get here :) Amazon said it'll be here in a week! I have ideas going through my mind like crazy and already started a folder for cuts a while back ;) It's going to be so much fun! I love seeing all of your Cameo pics in group and now on your blog! That banner you recent made is gorgeous! Great job :)

  3. I love how your blog is designed. The background reminds me of Hawaiian whole cloth quilts with appliques. Though the blue 'page' background is made with hearts, it reminds me of the many woven pieces made with palm leaves.

    I really love this font. Would you mind telling us what font you use?

    1. Hi Gypsy Chaos :) Mahalo for stopping and sharing your thoughts with me! I know exactly what you're talking about. The pattern is very similar to a Hawaiian Heirloom Quilt. So gorgeous! I'm using a fabulous layout by Leelou Blogs. I love the way she used a mix of hearts througout the layout and the damask background is so pretty and girly (and a little Hawaiian Quilt looking).

      I just added the template directly to my Awesome Inc. Template on Blogger (That is where you see the abstract painting you asked about on other post, which is also the BG for my blog's Mobile Design.

      Blog Title & Description - Crushed
      Post Title - Kranky
      Page (Main Text) - Josefin Sans
      Gadgets - Syncopate

      I am slightly obsessed with fonts... I have hundreds! Thanks so much for your awesome feedback :D I appreciate it, being a newbie blogger and all ;-) Every little bit of information helps!

      Please visit me again soon :)
