
Monday, July 7, 2014

365/30 Lists: 2014 | Week 27

If you're a longtime follower of my blog, you'll remember at the start of this year when I kept a daily "Lists" journal. I've been so busy for the last few months that I neglected it! And I think now is a great time to get back to writing. Today I'll be sharing the first entry in my new 365/30 Lists journal.

In case you missed my last 365/30 post from earlier this year, you can find it here. View this month's complete list of prompts @ 365/30 Lists: Philofaxers! I'll be using the hashtag #30filolists on instagram, if you want to follow my journey...

365/30 Lists | My New Journal

Instead of picking up where I left off, I decided to finish out the rest of this year in a brand new journal. I picked up this one from Tuesday Morning for $3.99. Some Dear Lizzy glitter thickers grace the cover. Inside I have a Martha Stewart label [gifted to me] and colorful washi tape cut into banners and an arrow.

365/30 Lists | The Title Page of My New Journal

July 1 - July 7th

365/30 Lists: 2014 - Week 27 | Days 1 - 3

365/30 Lists: 2014 - Week 27 | Days 4 - 7

That's it for today! I hope you liked my post :) Want more? Check back next week! In the meantime, feel free to browse my other 365/30 Lists in more detail. Or take a peek at my Filofax posts!

You can stay updated on my recent posts, projects, or photos by following me on instagram, or by "liking" my fan page on Facebook. So why not head over there now and show some love...

Are you a lister too? Any thoughts, questions, or comments about this post? I'd love to hear it! Your feedback is always welcome and much appreciated.

Thanks for stopping by!

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