
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

365/30 Lists: 2014 | Week 29

It's about that time again to share my 365/30: Lists journal entries from last week! In case you missed my previous post, you can find it here. View this month's complete list of prompts @ 365/30 Lists: Philofaxers! I'll be using the hashtag #30filolists on instagram if you want to follow my journey...

July 14 - July 20

365/30 Lists: 2014 - Week 29 | Day 14

365/30 Lists: 2014 - Week 29 | Days 15 - 20

FYI, I made some adjustments to a few of this week's prompts because the ones provided just weren't working for me. But when it comes to any of the books I'm working in, I really love to play around with color and penmanship. I think it's really fun to mix up fonts! I also added simple artwork and a couple of embellishments from my stash, like a honu [sea turtle] and a piece of filmstrip washi tape.

That's it for today! Want more? Check back next week! In the meantime, feel free to browse my other 365/30 Lists. Or take a peek at my Filofax posts!

You can also stay updated on my recent posts, projects, and photos by following me on instagram, or by "liking" my fan page on Facebook. So why not head over there now and show some love...

Are you a lister? Any thoughts, questions, or comments about this post? I'd love to hear it! Your feedback is always welcome and much appreciated.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Hello!
    I nominated you for the Liebster Award! You can find my post here:

    Chloe xxx
