
Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy 5th Birthday, Kiani!

Today is the 4th of July and people all over the USA will be honoring the birth of this country... but our family has another reason to celebrate. Because our beautiful daughter Kiani was born today too! She's quite the little firecracker ;) Watching our baby girl grow into the smart, loving, and fiesty child that we know today has been such an adventure! She means the world to me...

When I became a parent I realized how important it is to love unconditionally, cherish each moment, and to celebrate life. Everyday I thank God for our blessings. And today our family gives thanks to all of the brave people who fight for our country, so that we can live in this beautiful place we call home.

Happy Independence Day, America!
Have a safe and fun holiday weekend with your friends and loved ones.

...and Happy Birthday, Kiani!
We love you to the moon and back.

Tonight... all of the fireworks in the sky burn for you.

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