Happy weekend everyone! Much planning and preparation went into the creation of this post. I spent lots of up close and personal time with my Filofax, showcasing and photographing the little details that make me love her so much. She's fully personalized and customized to fit my style...
I haven't formally introduced my Domino yet... at least the inside anyway. With my very first Filofax post a couple of weeks ago, I gave you a glimpse of the completed weeks and calendar pages in my new planner. If you missed it, you can find it
here. A few days ago, I also shared my most recent completed layout,
Week 32.
Now it's time for the good stuff! I'm just giving you fair warning now... I have lots of photos to share! With all of the feedback and requests I've gotten on IG (instagram) for details about the inside of my organizer, I decided to split up the revealing of my Filo into two parts. This way you aren't immediately bombarded with photos and I can talk more about specific elements.
Filofax: An Introduction into My Domino |
From about the 2nd week, as I continued to use and start filling up my Domino, the front cover had no problem laying completely flat. What really helps with that is the fact that I put everything in my Filo... starting with the stuff inside the pocket and credit card slots.
Filofax: Washi Cards & Transparent Flags |
The interior pocket holds postage stamps, a [fave]
postagram card we sent out last summer, and some kawaii sticker sheets. Tucked into the credit card slots are two washi tape cards, transparent flourescent sticky flags, a couple of loyalty cards, our family's insurance cards, and my ID.
Filofax: A Handmade Dashboard |
The cover of my Filofax is a handmade dashboard using an overlay from my stash. I added a neon "HELLO" sticker and a portion of a "To Do" sticky pad, both from Target. As a finishing touch, I used some hot pink glitter thickers to highlight the year. For the following page, I chose a pretty neon floral design that looks fabulous through the flyleaf.
Filofax: Making My Planner All My Own with Personalized Pages |
I added some "personality" by utilizing the blank side of a single sided sheet of patterned paper. I played around with my homemade
alcohol ink and
glimmer mists, added an image from a favorite stamp [RAK'd to me by a
Smash*aholic friend last Christmas], and used some cute washi tape to create a few banners. It really adds a personal touch. And placed at the start of my book, it gives you an idea of the wonderful things to come...
Filofax: Custom Handmade Dividers |
I didn't care too much for the Filofax dividers that came with my Domino. They were plain, ugly, and totally not my style. So I decided to make some with my favorite double-sided patterned paper, using the original dividers as templates. I added a few Smash* printables, washi tape, fun paper clips, and Dymo labels to each one. My "sections" are Calendar, Home, Personal, Misc., Notes, and Contacts. Since this is a 2-part post, I'll only be sharing the first three sections of my Filo with you today.
Filofax: Calendar | Personalization |
If you've seen my two previous Filo posts, you know that I'm a color coder. I've been using this type of system for the last decade. It totally complements the way my mind works. I designate certain colors to represent specific subjects I want to focus on.
I created a "Key" using a large mailing tag, colorful pens, alphabet stickers, an arrow stamp, and chalk ink. Since I'm quite familiar with the colors and subjects on my "key", I don't keep it with my calendars anymore. I attached it to the backside of my "Calendar" divider with a cute paper clip.
I added a treasured postcard [that was sitting in a box for 10 years!] to be admired everyday I work in my book. Little personal details like these is what keeps me inspired to continue using my Filofax.
The color-coding carries on from my Month on 2 Pages inserts to my Week on 2 Pages.
Filofax: Calendar | Month on Two Pages |
Here is a peek at my current monthly calendar for August. I'm using
No. 6101 inserts by Paige Paigen. I write down a lot of stuff. So what I really enjoy about this layout is how roomy it is. I can squeeze quite a bit of notes into the boxes and on the list, and still have room for my decorations. I also added an inspirational piece by combining a pretty printable, a cool tab cut on my Cameo, and a sweet butterfly sticker.
Filofax: Calendar | Week on Two Pages |
You can see my color coding in action here on this week's WO2P insert. The set I'm using was created by my girl Cathy V. of Paper Addict. You can find the download
here. I really love these inserts because they start on Sunday. My Project Life week starts that day, so it's a perfect fit for me. I also like how Saturday and Sunday are full-sized sections, allowing for lots of room to write down stuff on the busy weekends.
Filofax: A Paper Addict Dashboard that I Customized |
In between my current week pages I have another dashboard. This one was custom made using a Hambly screen print that I purchased from Cathy's shop
Paper-Addict. I affixed a
SMASH* tab from UPrintables, and added some tiny alphabet stickers, and pink bling on both sides. A paper clip is there just in case I need it.
Filofax: Printable Inspiration |
In this section, I keep our finances with household and family related notes and papers. I chose a printable with a lovely quote to go on the front of my "Home" divider, and used some fun washi tape for extra detail.
Filofax: String-Tie Envelope | Handmade Details |
I also included one of my handmade string-tie envelopes. [You can find the DIY
here.] It's the perfect size to hold the little bits and pieces our family collects for Project Life during the week. Ticket stubs, cookie fortunes, cards, tags, small ephemera, etc.
Filofax: Hole-Punched Task Pad Sheets |
I did more destashing and added some cool task lists and memo sheets that have been sitting in a box for a year. A hole puncher is all I needed to turn them into pages for my planner. I really love the fun mix of papers in my Filo. The different types and sizes reminds me of a
Filofax: Fun Printables to Fill Your Book |
If you know me and my blog, you know that I love printables. Every month I gather a group of my [free] favorites, and share my findings here with you. My recent
printables posts were always about SMASH* and Project Life. This month it was all Filofax! Task and To Do Lists, Menu Planners, Shopping Lists. These goodies are the perfect addition to the "home" section of my Domino. Stay tuned... I'll be sharing August's finds with you in my next post.
This section is all about me. It holds my personal notes and papers, things that inspire me, blog planning, ideas, wishlists, favorite websites and blogs, etc.
Filofax: Personal Touches |
Here I have another Paper Addict dashboard that holds more fun stickies. I adhered a tab sticker from Daiso to the top of the dashboard, and doodled a thought bubble on it. Now the flyleaf is easy to find when I need a sticky note to jot down an idea.
Filofax: My Personal "Section" |
The back side of this dashboard holds even more stickies. I even found a great spot for the little checklist notepad I've had in my stash. The majority of pages in this section are mostly kawaii memo sheets, task lists, and SMASH* cards that I've punched holes in.
Filofax: A Fun Mix of Stationery |
That's all I have for you today. I hope you enjoyed my post!
Be sure to check back next week when I share Part 2 of my Domino. You can now find Part 2 of my Domino
here. You'll see the remaining sections and pages, some extra little details that makes my planner uniquely mine, and lots of other fun stuff. Plus, don't forget about my next post... Filofax Printables!
Want to see more of my Domino? You can find it
here. Looking for more Filofax inspiration? Check out my "
Filofax Addict" pinboard on Pinterest. You can also stay updated on my recent photos, posts, and projects via
instagram, or by "liking" my new fan page on
Facebook. So why not head over there now and show some love...
Are you a Filofax addict? What did you think of my post? Do you like all of the photos and details? I've had many requests asking me to do some YouTube videos about my Filofax. Which do you prefer? Any thoughts, questions, or comments about this post? Please let me know. Your feedback is always welcome and much appreciated.